How To Manage Your Website’s Menu Navigation
Accessing the WordPress Dashboard
Log in to Your WordPress Dashboard
- Navigate to your website’s login page ( and enter your username and password.
- Upon successful login, you’ll be directed to the WordPress dashboard, your website’s control center.
Managing Menu Navigation
Accessing The Menu Settings
- In the WordPress dashboard, locate and hover over the “Appearance” tab on the left-hand menu.
- From the submenu options, click on “Menus” to access the menu settings.
Understanding Menu Structure
- The “Menus” page displays your website’s existing menu structure, including primary and secondary navigation menus.
- You can create and customize multiple menus to be displayed in different locations on your website, such as the header, footer, or sidebar.
Adding Menu Items
- To add new items to your menu, locate the sections titled “Pages,” “Posts,” “Custom Links,” or “Categories” on the left side of the screen.
- Check the boxes next to the items you want to add to your menu, then click the “Add to Menu” button.
- The selected items will be added to the bottom of your menu structure.
Organizing Menu Items
- To rearrange menu items, simply drag and drop them into your preferred order.
- Create submenus by dragging items slightly to the right beneath a parent menu item. This creates a dropdown menu structure on your website.
Customizing Menu Settings
- Click on each menu item to reveal additional customization options, such as changing the navigation label, adding title attributes, or specifying a custom CSS class.
- Expand the “Screen Options” tab at the top of the screen to enable additional menu settings and features, such as adding custom links or enabling advanced menu management.
Assigning Menu Locations
- Once you’ve finalized your menu structure, scroll down to the “Menu Settings” section.
- Here, you can assign your menu to specific locations on your website, such as the primary navigation menu, secondary navigation menu, or social links menu.
Saving and Publishing Your Menu
- After making changes to your menu, don’t forget to click the “Save Menu” button to apply your modifications.
- Preview your website to ensure that the menu navigation reflects your desired structure and organization.
- If everything looks good, click “Publish” to make your changes live on your website.
Congratulations! You’ve successfully learned how to manage your website’s menu navigation in WordPress. By following these step-by-step instructions, you can create a user-friendly browsing experience that effectively showcases your content and guides visitors to relevant sections of your site.